

Managing complexity - shaping the future

A little over a month ago, the BGH Edelstahl junior and management conference took place in Zeulenroda, and we are delighted with the results!

With a total of 120 participants from 8 different locations, this event was an important meeting for us. The central theme of the conference, "Managing complexity", led to in-depth discussions and inspiring insights.

We began with a high-energy keynote speech by Professor Olesch, which set the tone for a day full of valuable insights. Afterwards, our participants had the opportunity to take part in four workshops, which focussed on key topics such as cross-site production planning, IT, HR and internal knowledge transfer. This conference was not only a platform for the exchange of ideas, but also an opportunity to shape the future.

Special thanks also go to our 82-year-old shareholder, who took the time to exchange ideas with the participants and actively participate in the discussion. His commitment and foresight are an invaluable part of our corporate culture. We look forward to putting the knowledge gained into practice and shaping the future of BGH Edelstahl together!

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