

Better vision as a Christmas gift

Instead of Christmas presents for our customers, we are once again supporting a social project this year: children and adults in developing countries can look forward to better vision thanks to the EinDollarBrille e.V. association.

Glasses are produced locally on a simple bending machine. As this does not require electricity, the process can also be used in rural regions of developing countries. The prefabricated plastic lenses are clicked into the spring steel frame with a simple hand movement. The EinDollarBrille e.V. association then distributes them to children and adults worldwide.

With the glasses, the association not only helps people to see better. For many spectacle recipients, it is the basic prerequisite for education and work and therefore for their livelihood and participation. The glasses therefore help people to help themselves. A small thing has an enormous effect here, as you can see from the smiles of people who wear glasses. Because the smile expresses the joy of a positively changed life.

The wire required for the OneDollarGlasses - a spring steel grade 1.4310 with a diameter of 1 mm - has been provided and supplied free of charge by BGH since 1 July 2021.
Sönke Winterhager, Chairman of the BGH Supervisory Board, probably also echoes the thoughts of BGH employees: "I am grateful that we can be part of this help, not "just" with money but with the direct work of our hands, our product. That makes me happy too."

On behalf of the whole team, the inventor of the OneDollarGlasses, Martin Aufmuth, would like to thank you from the bottom of his heart for all your support this year and wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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